Posts tagged "new videos"

The Viewfinder: “Chains” by Kenna

When you’ve covered someone as much as we’ve covered Kenna, the trick then becomes “what the hell else can we say about this guy?”. Hella underrated, incredibly dope, and feeding us with new music this year for the first time in four years. His work has brought out the best in the Neptunes’ production, and his latest EP, Land 2 Air Chronicles 1 , is the hotness (and it’s only three bucks on iTunes-you have NO excuse). The first video from the project has surfaced, […]

The Viewfinder: RJD2’s “Might As Well Step Forward”

RJD2 is one of those cats that can do just about anything. If the guy wanted to step behind the mic and sing a whole album, I’d be there. If the guy wanted to do an entire instrumental album, I’m in. I got hooked in (I think) ’04 with Since We Last Spoke, and I’ve been a fan ever since. I have a lot of respect for artists you can’t pigeonhole, and RJ pretty much defies description. Plus, we were born […]

The Viewfinder: Moby’s “The Day”

Moby + Heather Graham= really sad video? What a waste of a hot actress! Hmph…sorry, let the demons take over for a second. Not really sure if the video for “The Day” is actually sad so much as it’s spooky. Nah, it’s equal amounts of both. In the first clip from his new album, Destroyed (which comes out in late May), Moby (who sounds all kinds of Bowie-ish in this song, IMHO) is joined by some random actress playing a […]

The Viewfinder: Foo Fighters “Rope”

There are some bands that make variations of the same album year after year, but they’ve perfected that signature sound so much that it’s practically a science. Foo Fighters are one of those bands. Although they’ll never be listed on that same iconic list as leader Dave Grohl’s former band, they’ve put together a notable streak of hit singles and albums (and have lasted three times as long). The Foos have been pretty busy setting up the release of their […]

The Viewfinder: “Hollywood Tonight” by Michael Jackson

So, Michael, the first posthumous release of unreleased material by The King of Pop, hasn’t exactly lived up to expectations. While certified Platinum in the U.S. for shipments of in excess of a million copies, the reality is that it’s sold about half of that. It’s hard to breathe life into a project when the artist isn’t here to promote it, but bless their hearts, Michael’s record company and management are trying. “Hollywood Tonight” is the second video release from […]

The Viewfinder: “Catcher in the Rye” by Datarock

So, Datarock’s been around for ten years? Blow me down. I’ve heard the name pass through hipster circles a few times, but never heard or saw anything worthy of my time. Perhaps I’ve been missing something? Because this “Catcher in the Rye” single is kinda dope. I mean, not only is the song titled after my favorite book ever (predictable, I know), but it’s completely dance-tastic- an excellent example of GOOD dance music (music that makes you want to move […]

The Viewfinder: Sara Bareilles’ “Uncharted”

What better way to make a video than to grab a couple of your celebrity friends and film them acting completely goofy? That’s what singer-songwriter Sara Bareilles did for “Uncharted”, the latest single from her ironically #1-charted album Kaleidoscope Heart (you like that? Huh? Huh?). The bouncy tune would be good on it’s own (and is making me consider dropping her album back into rotation), but the cute video, boasting cameos from Ben Folds, Adam and James from Maroon 5, […]

The Viewfinder: Kanye West “All of the Lights”

So, um…what happened to the “Monster” video? A rough cut of the clip was floating around the net a month or so ago, but there was never an official release. Did “Monster” just not gain traction on the radio? Was the internet chatter about the video’s alleged misogyny enough to kill the video? (I don’t see that happening, but ya never know). Did the mercurial Kanye just have a change of heart? Who knows? At any rate, the third video […]

The Viewfinder: Cee-Lo Green’s “Bodies”

Ya know something? Between this song and Gnarls Barkley’s “Necromancer”, I think I’d be a little worried if Cee-Lo Green asked me on a date. Fresh from his Muppet-heavy kid-friendly performance of “The Song Otherwise Known as Forget You” on the Grammy Awards, the video for his latest single, “Bodies”, has been released. Saying that this song gives me the creeps when I stay glued to the TV during “The First 48” probably doesn’t give off the ring of authenticity […]

The Viewfinder: “Moment 4 Life” by Nicki Minaj

Never let it be said that I don’t have an open mind. Even when artists start off on a bad foot with me, I allow plenty of room for my opinion to be changed. This has now happened twice with Lil Wayne’s Young Money artists. First, there was Drake. I thought he was incredibly overhyped-until I heard Thank Me Later and enjoyed it immensely (hell, my opinion of it has actually improved over the past few months). Next up to […]

The Viewfinder: Bilal’s “Levels”

One of the great things about the YouTube revolution is the fact that it’s made artists a little more creative with their visual presentation. For a while, we were at the point where just about every video on MTV was a big-budget production featuring bottles popping, the obligatory club scene and…well, basically everything The Roots lampooned in their video for “What They Do”. That period lasted way too damn long. Anyway, one of the freakiest videos I’ve seen in a […]

The Viewfinder: Nada Surf’s “Enjoy the Silence”

If, back in 1996, you’d given me a list of bands and asked me which of them would still be around in 2011, I certainly wouldn’t have picked Nada Surf. Thought by many to be doomed to one-hit wonderdom after the success of “Popular”, the trio’s clawed their way back to respectability. A buddy turned me on to their album Lucky in 2007, which was a very solid piece of work. I admittedly ignored their latest project, If I Had […]