Obviously, Americans today have a much bigger issue going on than what CD to buy. Please make sure you exercise your constitutional right, and VOTE. It doesn’t matter who you vote for–actually, let’s rephrase that. I am not going to tell you who to vote for (although my choice for who’d make the best president should be obvious,) but it has long been my feeling that those who don’t vote have no right to complain if/when the system doesn’t work for them.

</steps off soapbox>

Some folks think Ne-Yo fell off with his last album, Libra Scale. I, too, was originally disappointed by the singer/songwriter’s fourth release, only because his previous album, Year of the Gentleman, was as close to perfect as a pop/R&B album could be. I guess you have nowhere to go but down, right? Having listened in fits and starts over the past two years or so, I can certainly say that it deserved a better fate. Thankfully, Ne-Yo finds himself back on the airwaves, with solid prospects for his new album, entitled R.E.D. Although he’s separated from the Def Jam machine, I can’t imagine that his songwriting prowess and sweet voice has left him, and he even has a duet with country stud Tim McGraw on this album (and hey, why is Timmy the country star of choice for R&B singers and rappers?)

Aerosmith, it’s been a long time! The Boston rockers’ last studio album of original material came during the Clinton administration! In the meantime, the band’s been touring, and there was that blues album a few years ago, and Steven Tyler went into rehab…and judged “American Idol”…and went into rehab…and left “American Idol,” and then fell in the shower and knocked out all of his teeth. Um, so…yeah. Music from Another Dimension marks Aerosmith’s return to the album-releasing business, and while singles so far have met with a resounding thud, maybe all the fans are just waiting to hear the album as a cohesive whole. Probably not, though.

If you know us, you know we love Mike Doughty. The former frontman of the band that won’t be named has been a busy beaver this past year or so-releasing an album of original material, followed by a double live set, and now comes The Flip Is Another Honey, a covers albums. Ever wanted to hear John Denver get Doughty-ised? Well, you’ve got it here. A Doughty version of “Sit Down You’re Rockin’ The Boat?” The only version I know is by Don Henley, so Doughty singing it is an automatic improvement! Seriously-The Flip…doesn’t suck like most covers albums do-a testament to Doughty’s unique flavor.

That’s more or less it for the major stuff. Unless you consider a Celine Dion album in French or a Kylie Minogue covers album (of her own songs) major stuff. There’s also a new Now That’s What I Call Music collection that will probably top the charts even though I doubt there’s anything on there that’ll turn my crank, plus new albums from the likes of Queensryche’s Geoff Tate and Public Enemy. Viva la ’90s!

Full list of new releases can be easily obtained by going right over to Pause & Play. Have a great week!