Posts tagged "New Kids on the Block"

2010 American Music Awards: Live Blog

The American Music Awards may have fallen to third place on the importance list behind the Grammy Awards and the MTV Video Music Awards, but it’s still a pretty important show where it counts…at the cash register. It’s pretty well-watched, and lots of people that see performances or award winners end up going to their local store (or to iTunes) and picking up a single or album by someone they caught on the show. The AMAs began in 1974 as […]

It’s a Boy Band Explosion!: NKOTBSB to Tour This Summer

In the late Eighties and early Nineties, New Kids on the Block sold tons of records to a fanbase largely consisting of teenage and pre-teen girls. Ten years later, the Backstreet Boys sold tons of records to the same fanbase. Fast-forward another ten years, and most of those girls who were in that age range now have pre-teen and teenage girls of their own. Meanwhile, their moms are anxious to relive their youth. Conscious of all of this, the New […]

WTFF: Alan Thicke’s “Grandma”

There are tons of “I love you, mom” songs out there, right? Especially in hip-hop and R&B. Don’t nobody love Ma Dukes more than black folk. There’s even a few “I love you, dad” songs out there. But how many songs are there that show love to the grandmothers? Just one that I know of-and boy it’s a doozy. This gem from the early Eighties was recorded by Alan Thicke. No, not Robin Thicke the perpetually bedroom-eyed soul singer. Robin’s […]