Posts tagged "Luther Vandross"

The Disco 100 60-51: Toot, Toot…Ah…Beep, Beep!!

If you missed the rest of this list, you can find it here . The fact that I’m listening to each of these songs as I count them down, and the fact that I had a really fun DJ experience at the Mayer Hawthorne show a few weeks back, has led me to the conclusion that I really need to go to a good dance club. Anyone know if there are any places in Beantown that play GOOD dance music? Or am I […]

The Disco 100: Uh Oh, The Record Skipped (#70-61)

Um-something weird happened. I’m doing something really nerdy with my iTunes library. Thanks to a tip I found in a comment section on Popdose (by the way, Jeff and Jason, I had a dream the other day in which we all moved in together-WEIRD), I have decided to update every song in my library that charted on the Billboard Hot 100 with it’s chart position. I did not realize that futzing around with my library was going to affect my playlist, […]