Posts tagged "Halston"

New Halston Video Goodness! (That’s Not a Green Screen, Is It?)

It’s not a green screen! For a second, I was like “WTF, these guys can afford a green screen?” Because it was the perfect purple sky. I figured it had to be a fake. ANYWAY, a while back we hipped you to the sounds of the band Halston via the video for “Boca Raton” . Guess what, kids? Carlos and Dando are back with another video, this time for the song “Guess What? That’s What!”. After viewing the video, I have a […]

Who the Hell is…Halston?

One cool thing about living in Boston is the local music scene. Even more so than New York, it seems that just about everyone here has some kind of music hustle. They sing, they rap, they play an instrument. Makes me wish I’d kept playing the guitar I had when I was a kid. Anyhow, a friend of mine posted this video on his Facebook page, and I kinda fell in love. The name of the band is Halston. The […]