

Like the soundtrack to Hellraiser, Posthuman is a desolate, eerie behemoth of an album by Justin K Broadrick (utilizing the moniker of JK Flesh). Fans who feared that Jesu spelled the end of Godflesh-like material from Broadrick need only take one listen to opener “Knuckledragger” to have their fears laid to rest.

Some of Posthuman is exactly what fans have been waiting for but just to show that Broadrick is anything but predictable, songs like the title track come at you in a drum ‘n’ bass style, vocal-less, and begging to be put on the soundtrack to Hardware or Tron. It’s a strange way to break up an album but it’s so good of a track that it doesn’t matter.

The soundscapes and textures Broadrick explores with JK Flesh keep Posthuman endlessly refreshing throughout. After the crunch of “Knuckldragger”, Broadrick’s unintelligible roars continue with the dub-infused “Idle Hands” but then after the lurching “Punchdrunk”, Broadrick shifts gears again with the spaced-out “Devoured”.

Partly cinematic , all experimental, JK Flesh is the perfect example of if you don’t like a project Justin Broadrick is doing one moment, chances are the next one will completely blow you away.

Posthuman is out now on 3by3 Music. Check out some places you can get yours over here.

Grade: B