I jumped on the “Arrested Development” train late.  How late, you ask? Well, I watched my first episode of the cancelled cult favorite (which was pulled off the air in 2006) less than two years ago, drunk on a friend’s couch. I immediately fell in love with the hilariously written and well-acted sitcom, and that love intensified once I purchased DVD sets of the sitcom on my own. Not even a doomed dating experience with a guy my friends Cara and Kevin said reminded them of Tobias Funke (and who I would love to do bodily harm to) could take away from my love of the show.

There have been rumors of an “Arrested Development” film circulating for quite some time now, and while we still don’t know for sure whether that’s gonna happen, some enterprising and creative folks on the internet have cobbled together some clips from past episodes of the show, added appropriately dramatic music and created a faux trailer that’s guaranteed to draw a few laughs.

C’mon, folks, let’s get that movie started, OK? Michael Cera isn’t getting any younger.
