Posts tagged "Weird Al Yankovic"
I Says Yes, You Says No, I Says Yes: The Genius of R. Kelly's "Trapped in the Closet"

I Says Yes, You Says No, I Says Yes: The Genius of R. Kelly’s “Trapped in the Closet”

Kells’ ongoing opus is the most brilliant thing he’s ever done. Here are five reasons why.

Blerd Radio Episode 7: Solstice Edition

Welcome to the lucky seventh episode of Blerd Radio, in which the special guest floodgates open. The episode starts as per usual-with Mike and Jesse talking about…death. We tribute Clarence Clemons and (somewhat less so) “Jackass”‘s Ryan Dunn. Then, we jump into this week’s new releases-a little (well, a lot) of metal for Jesse, a little Jill Scott and Liam Finn for Mike. We are intermittently joined by Regina A.K.A. Mrs. Jesse (she has finally decided to lift her veil […]

The Alpocalypse is here!

“Weird Al” is the kind of artist that you love or like. There’s no hate in the world of “Weird Al” because in Al’s world whether you love his music or just sort of like it, it’s still really fun. “Weird Al” Yankovic’s Alpocalypse, his 13th album, continues the high standard Straight Outta Lynwood set in 2006 as to how to do a parody in the 21st Century and more importantly, why “Weird Al” Yankovic will never be irrelevant. It’s […]

New Release Report 6/21/11: “The Light of” Jill Scott & More!

BIG release week-for me anyway. There are at least four albums that will make their way into our grubby little paws by the end of the day Tuesday, representing a pretty wide range of genres. Here they are: Jill Scott The Light of the Sun-The Philly soul songstress has to make a solid album to avenge for the taste of mediocrity that lingers in my mouth after her last effort, The Real Thing. With a new label and a new […]

The New Blerd Radio-Episode 3: May Flowers (Almost)

Episode 3 is in the books and on our latest podcast, Mike and Jesse discuss pop culture events including the new Beastie Boys album and video, Lady GaGa’s continued stranglehold on pop culture, and the debut of “The Voice”. Also discussed: “Fast 5” (which is out today) and it’s pretty cast, May’s potpourri of album releases, why no one should ever watch the first 10 minutes of “Up” , the rumored follow-up to “Garden State”, and Jesse gets the package […]

Put Some Laughter in Your Day with Literal Videos

A buddy of mine hipped me to these literal videos a couple of months ago. They’re pretty much uniformly awesome, and have become a viral sensation (I sound like such a tool using the words “viral sensation”. I guess it’s not the same person that does all of them-I’ve seen them come from a couple of different YouTube users. Essentially, someone had the idea to replace the vocal track on some iconic music videos with a very literal translation of […]