Posts tagged "Ben Folds"

Ben Folds + Nick Hornby=Awesomeness

Once I got over the fact that I was standing thisclose to Ben Folds when I saw him play the House of Blues here in Boston a couple months back (close enough to get a great view of the streams of spittle flying out of his mouth…I’m not criticizing!), I had another wet-my-pants moment when I found out that Ben was collaborating on a project with Nick Hornby, author of one of my favorite books (and movies) of all time, […]

Ben Folds: How Much Noise Can One Man and a Piano Make?

As it turns out, lots. Yesterday marked my second Ben Folds concert experience. The first time I saw him was about 18 months ago. It was the Friday before his album “Way to Normal” was released. Ben concentrated heavily on the new album, playing all of the songs that were to appear on it, as well as alternate versions of those same songs. As enjoyable as the show was, there’s a huge difference between a guy playing songs you’ve never […]

Ben Folds & Chat Roulette: A Glorious Combination

Here’s something guaranteed to at least temporary alleviate your Monday blues…unless you’re a total grouch. In which case, God help ya. Check out Ben Folds at a show in his home of North Carolina, improvising songs while using the ChatRoulette program. I’m imagining there was some kind of delay or something going on, because based on what I know about the program, it’s fairly uncommon to switch between users for a five minute span and not come up on at […]