Author Archive

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #33

I was going to take the easy way out this week and spend my column inches discussing the Grammys and how much I despised the award show. Everything from the opening prayer to the lack of actual awards given during the broadcast; the mediocrity that is popular music in America to the contrived suspenders of Paul McCartney I’m so incredibly sick of seeing every time Sir Paul deems it necessary to sit at the piano, show how hard he’s working […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #32

“Is this who I am now?” That’s the thought that was repeating over and over in my head as my wife, son and I all got ready to go to my niece’s baptism. Each time I looked at myself I thought “Is this who I am”, well no, I thought “Is this who I am, now?” I wasn’t sure I liked the answer. I asked Kim the question, I liked her answer a little more, something along the lines of […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #31

My mother and father were married for eight years. For all eight of those years my dad went to work every day, they purchased a car, bought a house in a good neighborhood with some help from my mother’s parents, they had 2.5 kids, they fought for their part of the American Dream. During those eight years they sat down at the end of each week and took a look at the bills and the money coming in, they wrote […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #30

If you read this column regularly then you know, there were many points in my life when I thought I’d make my living as an artist working in one of a few different fields. I was pretty certain that would be my lasting impression on the world. It wasn’t just OK with me, it was what I craved. In truthfulness, in those silent moments right before I fall asleep, it’s what I’d still love to have happen. Let’s be honest […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #29

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #29

Dave Rullo don’t need no stinkin’ turkey burger. Read as our curmudgeonly correspondent rails against healthy foods in the latest Aging Hip Replacement column.

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #28

Rom-com, that’s the phrase that did me in. Last week while watching what’s supposed to be one of the hipper shows on network TV a character uttered the phrase rom-com like everyone would recognize it. I didn’t. With an irritated bent to my voice I asked my wife, “what the hell’s a rom-com?” She, doing what she does, took a deep breath, and said it’s a romantic comedy. She knew it was coming, what I’m famous for, what she hates […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #27

In my last column for 2011, I made mention of the many, many funerals I had attended. All told it was 8 up to that point. That’s a lot by any accounting but factor in that it was a grandmother, a grandfather, my wife’s dear aunt, a few far too young, a few that showed just how majestic the passage of time can be and I think you understand just how incredibly deeply these things start to cut after awhile. […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #26 (2011 In Review)

So, this is my final column for the year. I’ve been thinking a lot about what this year, if anything has meant and signified. Interestingly, that is a behavior only humans share. I’m absolutely certain horses in the field, monkeys in the jungle or sharks in the sea spend no time reflecting on the previous year and what it’s meant to them. Each year, like each day, passes and is over and once it’s over a new day begins. All […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #25

The first election I got to vote in was 1992. That was the one Bush Sr. lost to Clinton. I remember how excited I was. I felt like I was really making a difference and like I was really making a contribution to society. I was young and my political ideology was still being formed. In honesty, I voted for the wrong candidate then, at least I did based on who I am now. I’ve been a political fiend my […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #24

It’s incredibly easy to lose the joy and wonder and newness of seeing the world and all the magical things inside of it for the first time. Each passing hour, day and year it becomes simpler and simpler to be sarcastic and weathered and calloused and just plain cynical. Let’s face it, our modern society makes it simple to be this way—there’s always a corporation polluting the water, always a politician covering up the corporation that polluted the water and […]

Aging Hip Replacement #23

I’m pretty sure my wife thinks I’m having a midlife crisis. I don’t see it that way. I get it though from the outside she sees a guy reaching back into his youth and pulling out cultural and artistic touchstones and finding comfort in those markers. She sees a man who seems a little wishful for what could have or might have been, a guy who isn’t necessarily happy with where he is in some parts of his life and […]

Aging Hip Replacement #22

Almost anyone that writes anything this time of year spends their column inches telling the world that for which they’re most thankful. I have no problem with these columns, in fact I spend a lot of my time telling you why I’m thankful, what I’m thankful for, etc. so instead of going with the flow I’ve decided to spend a little bit of time commenting on some of the worlds ills. In some cases you’re just going to get my […]