Amanda's boobs evictedIt’s double eviction time. And the first eviction is the most interesting of the season.

Where We Last Left You

After Gina Marie won the HOH, Amanda’s boobs went into dictator mode and tried to get GM to put up Elissa. She very smartly pointed out that Elissa was partially responsible for some of her friends to leave. But GM smartly smiled back and made Amanda’s boobs feel safer than they should’ve.

When it was nomination time, Amanda’s boobs was sure that she and McCrae were safe. She would be wrong. In fact, they were the two least safe as GM put them on the block. Amanda’s boobs was appalled and thought it was idiotic and told GM so.

At the veto competition, they played a ridiculous game in which they had to spin around in a circle and play a form of a bowling game. Each member got to challenge someone and everyone chose Amanda’s boobs who was dizzy and sick from having to spin so much. But she kept winning. Well, she did until she ran into McCrae who won the whole thing. He compared having to beat Amanda’s boobs like shooting Old Yeller. She was even wearing yellow.

McCrae took himself off the block and GM put old Spencer there. You know, because Spencer hasn’t been on the block enough this season.

And that’s where we stand.

A Few More Notes Before The Elimination

– Amanda’s boobs told GM that the only reason she put them both up was because she was jealous of their relationship.

– Amanda’s boobs and Elissa try to work together to see if they can create an alliance. It’s completely possible Elissa is bull-shi**ing.

Live Vote

Judd votes to evict Amanda’s boobs.
McCrae votes to evict Spencer.
Elissa votes to evict Spencer. Whoa!
Andy votes to evict Amanda’s boobs.

Gina Marie has to break the tie. She votes to evict Amanda’s boobs and tells her to gets to steppin’. I like that line.

On her way out, Amanda called out Andy for casting the second vote who looked like he wanted to die and was hyperventilating.


The competition is called “Go Fetch”. The house guests have to fetch bones and put them in a dog bowl.

McCrae gets the first bone. Then Elissa and Judd found theirs next. McCrae found his second, grabbed his key and is now the new HOH.

Live Nomination

In a bit of a surprising nomination, McCrae puts Elissa and GM on the block. GM was a gimme, but Elissa kept Amanda’s boobs. I guess he thinks it was Elissa who voted to keep Spencer and not Andy. If she had just voted to eliminate Amanda, McCrae would’ve known Andy voted out Amanda too.

Live Veto

The house guests have to maneuver a toy car through a maze. Judd wins and it looks like the nominations will stay the same. I can’t believe he wants them to be any different.

Nope, he doesn’t use it.

Live Vote Part 2

Spencer votes to evict Elissa.
Judd votes to evict Elissa.
Andy votes to evict Elissa.

Goodbye Elissa. I guess you are not your big sis, but at least you have that yoga booty.