Posts tagged "Soul Train"

Moonlighting: “The Best of Soul Train” DVD on ESD Music!

When I found out that episodes of “Soul Train” were being released on DVD, I damn near did backflips. The classic dance/performance show was a staple in my household for as long as I can remember. Even when they switched the show time from noon to 2 AM in 1982 or so, I was staying up past my bedtime and watching episodes. Before BET and before MTV started consistently playing videos by soul and rap artists, “Soul Train” was the […]

The Disco 100 #50-#41: Whatcha Doing on Your Back??

Here’s the obligatory flashback to the previous 10 entries on my list. Off we go to the second half of our countdown of danceable, delectable, disco delights. I promise that there will be no more attempts at really gay-sounding alliteration going forward. 50. “The Chase” by Giorgio Moroder I’ve never seen “Midnight Express”, but something tells me that Moroder’s pulsing theme was the best thing about the movie.

People All Over the World…

Last Saturday, VH-1 premiered “Soul Train: The Hippest Trip in America”, a documentary paying tribute to a show that’s an integral part of black history, music history, and black music history. In the days before BET and MTV (and even during the years when MTV existed but played next to nothing by black artists), “Soul Train” was just about the only place to go to see R&B, funk and hip-hop artists performing their hits on television. In addition, Don Cornelius’s […]