Posts tagged "Aging Hip Replacement"

Aging Hip Replacement #19: 12 Memories

I went to my dad’s grave this weekend. It was his 60th birthday. While there I realized that life is nothing more than a series of memories. Some are good and some are bad, connect them all and you have a life. Each memory has had some impact on the ones following it, changing and altering the path your life has taken. In honor of this, here are some of the favorite moments of my life. Each has been responsible […]

Aging Hip Replacement #18: The Evolution of Man

No doubt about it, mine is the generation of the sensitive pony-tailed man. That phrase was coined by Cameron Crowe in his movie Singles to describe a particular type of man—you know who he is—the granola loving, sandal wearing fellow with wire rim glasses and a pony tail trailing the back of his neck. This is the guy that wrote poetry in college that really tugged the heart strings and went to Lilith Fair. I’m pretty sure you have a […]

Aging Hip Replacement #17: Chasing Your Bliss

As I’m sure you’ve heard, Steve Jobs passed away last Wednesday, October 5 of cancer. He’s left behind a legacy that will be hard to equal. iPads are handed out at the hospital now with diapers and formula with each new birth; smart phones the world over all use technology that was either created by Mr. Jobs’ Apple or because of it; the animated movie landscape is completely changed since he bought Pixar from George Lucas and started churning out […]

Aging Hip Replacement #16-I Feel I’m Falling For Fall

I know most people who read this are looking for some kernel of wisdom to be gleaned or some specific situation they can relate to and feel like we’re all in this aging process together. This isn’t going to be one of those columns! I just wanted to spend a few column inches this week and discuss Fall, that’s Autumn to you and me and my favorite season. I know that most people detest the end of summer and the […]

Aging Hip Replacement #15: Time Keeps On Slippin’ (Slippin’…Slippin’…)

There’s been a lot of talk lately about things turning 20 this year. Hey, I’m as guilty as the next guy. This week it was all about Nirvana’s Nevermind turning 20. An important milestone for sure, but not nearly as important as the anniversary of Kurt Cobain’s death. In fact, if you were to ask most people I can guarantee they recall nothing about the release of Nevermind, but can tell you exactly where they were when they heard about […]

Aging Hip Replacement #14

“We’ll inherit the earth but we don’t want it It’s been ours since birth, what’cha doin’ on it? We’ll inherit the earth but we don’t want it Layin’ claim at birth, what’cha doin’ on it?” Paul Westerberg nailed it when writing those lyrics what amounts to decades ago now. We’ve inherited the earth—we didn’t want it then and I’m not sure we want it now. We certainly haven’t made any claim or hard push to get to the top. And […]

Aging Hip Replacement #13: Happy Birthday To Me

If you haven’t seen the billboards, saw the newspaper ads, watched the television or hear the commercials on the radio, if you’re completely unaware of what a rarified week this is then I’ll spill the beans and let you know that my birthday is this Saturday. 39, that’s the age I’ll be. What an odd year 39 is. On the surface it’s a nonevent, it isn’t 35, isn’t 40, it just sort of sits out there. 39 though, to me […]

Aging Hip Replacement #12: Clothes Make The Man?

So I’ve already spent some column inches discussing clothes and the younger generation. This time I wanted to spend a little time talking about the clothes I wear and what I see others around me wearing. Monday through Friday between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (longer if I have to stop at the store on the ride home) I tell myself that clothes mean absolutely nothing. It’s what is inside that counts. I have to tell myself […]

Aging Hip Replacement #11: The One About The VMAs

I decided that I was going to write about something light this week. I’ve gotten a little flak from friends and family who have said my last few columns were a little too dark, a little too heady all in a row. Of course, I’m writing about my feelings of being flung towards middle age and beyond, not the happiest of experiences in my book. I wasn’t sure where I was going, started a few ideas (which all seemed to […]

Aging Hip Replacement #10: Defining Cool

“When is a person no longer interested in being cool?” That was the question asked at a business meeting I attended this week. As you know, I’ve been doing a little soul searching and research on that very topic here in this column so I was naturally interested. For some context—as you may know I work in radio. Don’t let the fact that it’s an all news radio station on the AM portion of the dial fool you: it’s still […]

Aging Hip Replacement #9: Heaven (And Change) Isn’t Too Far Away

Lead singer of pop metal act Warrant, Jani Lane, died over the weekend. He was 47. That makes his death (which was probably the result of drugs and alcohol) not as stunning as Kurt Cobain’s due to his youth or as expected as so many older rock and movie stars who pass away. It was a slow burn for Lane and unfortunately, the last couple of decades hadn’t been kind. For the most part, Warrant was a culturally insignificant hair […]

Aging Hip Replacement #8: On Faith

“You are the first generation born without religion.” Douglas Coupland wrote this about my generation in Life After God. Of course he was correct. As much as our parents, many of whom were part of the hippie generation, attempted to live a nontraditional life in their youth, once they got a little older and married they fell into fairly conservative lifestyles. Church, and specifically the Judeo-Christian religions of the founding fathers, was a cornerstone of that conservatism. As much as […]