It’s put up or shut up time for Howard and Candice.
Where We Last Left You
After being on the block yet again, Aaryn won the HOH. What’s odd is that she’s the single most hated person in the house, yet hasn’t received one vote to go home. Someone else was always the target and I think the idea is that she’ll always have the bullseye on her back and they’ll eventually get her. Well, as long as she doesn’t keep winning HOH’s.
Based on a deal with Helen to keep her inside the house, Aaryn had to then go with Helen’s choice for nomination. It’s funny how much Helen is running this house. She wasn’t even HOH and she was calling the shots with Aaryn.
Aaryn had to put up Spencer and Howard. America voted to also add Amanda’s boobs as the third person on the block. Amanda’s boobs was sure Howard was the MVP because she couldn’t believe America would put her up. Believe it home girl.
Candice figured that Helen made a deal with Aaryn and tried to make a deal with Helen herself. She said that if she was supposed to be Helen’s ally, why wouldn’t Helen make a deal with her? Being called on her bluff, Helen stomped away and blamed Candice for stirring things up.
Spencer won the puzzle veto which looked like a labyrinth to Jessie and Candice. He pulled himself off the block and Aaryn had to replace him on the block. Because she’s Racist Aaryn, of course she put up Candice. It was written. She’s just set in her ways. Helen helped smear Candice as well, but I like to think that it was all Racist Aaryn’s fault!
I so hope Amanda’s boobs is back-doored so we get to see Candice and Howard try and take this house over.
A Few More Notes Before The Elimination
– Howard and Spencer tried to get Judd and Andy to back-door Amanda. Andy then told Amanda that they did a deal, but won’t go through with it.
– Amanda confronted Spencer and told him she knew he was trying to get her out. He denied it and said he’s targeting Candice (though lying through his teeth). Spencer then called her a bully and told her to shut up.
– Helen tattle told on Spencer to Candice, even though he was just playing game and not telling the truth. Snitches get stitches Helen.
– It was a perfect Helen plan as Candice flipped out and called a team meeting and called Spencer out even though he was completely lying. What an idiot she is.
– Aaryn seems to now want Candice out.
– Amanda and McCrae are supposedly engaged, or “Big Brother official”. Whatever that means.
Live Vote
Helen votes to evict Howard.
Elissa votes to evict Howard.
Spencer votes to evict Candice.
McCrae votes to evict Howard.
Andy votes to evict Howard.
Judd votes to evict Howard.
GinaMarie votes to evict Howard.
Jessie votes to evict Howard.
Racist Aaryn strikes again!
The competition is called “Bull In A China Shop”. They are walking on a barrell/log-like moving surface and they have to stay on the surface, holding onto a handle above. Some of the houseguests are doing better than others. Elissa sucks at this.
The first three who fall off have a chance to open a box and win $5,000.
The competition didn’t end on the live show, so you’ll have to scroll down for spoilers.
Spencer, Candice and Helen fall first. Candice wins the $5,000.
And out of all people to win, GinaMarie wins.
You can read the entire spoilers at Buddy TV.