Posts tagged "R&B music"

Blerd Appreciation: Remembering Aaliyah-10 Years Later

The day was Sunday, August 26th, 2001. Me and the person I was dating at the time were returning from a trip to the Cape. It was my first visit to the state that, in a few years, would become my home. We were fairly near New York, because I remember that we’d switched the radio dial to Z-100, NYC’s Top 40 station. They were playing “Back & Forth” or “One In A Million” or one of those Aaliyah songs […]

The Viewfinder: Avant’s “Kiss Goodbye”

It was pretty difficult to differentiate Avant from all of the R. Kelly knockoffs that popped up in the late Nineties and early oughts. The quality that made him stand out in my eyes wasn’t even musical-he was the first artist (and the only successful artist, if I remember correctly) signed to Magic Johnson’s brief attempt at a record label. Although the average pop music fan might not be aware of Avant’s existence, he’s put out five albums over the […]

Fantasia’s “Back to Me”: Brush the Drama Aside and Listen

The first step towards enjoying Fantasia’s new album “Back to Me” is forgetting about all of the idiotic tabloid junk that she seems to have been a willing participant in recently. Honestly, the whole “suicide attempt” shouldn’t even be a big issue-after all, Fantasia’s not the first person to pull a crass publicity stunt to sell records and she certainly won’t be the last (it still annoys me, though). The fact of the matter is that Fantasia’s one of those […]