Posts tagged "Growing Pains"
bLISTerd: The Greatest Sitcoms of All Time (Part 8)

bLISTerd: The Greatest Sitcoms of All Time (Part 8)

We’re almost there. Wonder what Larry, Darryl and Darryl have to say about this.

Funny Or Die Presents: CCOKC (Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron)

It’s really sad to see what Kirk Cameron has become, if only because “Growing Pains” was one of my favorite sitcoms as a kid. His extremist Christian views have rubbed many the wrong way, and the folks at Funny or Die have joined forces with a bunch of his former child star brethren to respond to Kirk’s hurtful comments about gay people in the best way possible-with humor. Child Celebrities Opposed to Kirk Cameron (AKA CCOKC…pronounced “cock”) is a hilarious […]

bLISTerd: The Greatest Sitcom Families of All Time (Part One)

With the TV season beginning in earnest this week, the Popblerd staff began tossing around ideas for our next bLISTerd list. We knew it had to be TV related, but what specifically did we want to discuss? Well-being that we’re all pop culture fans of a certain age range, sitcom families seemed like the right thing to do. So…each of us (well, most of us, anyway) contributed lists of our favorite sitcom families. The families represented ran the gamut from […]

Hump Day Flashback: “All This Time”

Before there was Miley and Taylor and Selena, there was Britney and Christina and Jessica. Before that, there was Brandy, Monica and Aaliyah. And even before THAT, there was Debbie and Tiffany. Debbie Gibson and Tiffany were the pre-eminent teen girl stars of the Eighties. While young girls (and a handful of guys) tacked posters of New Edition, Menudo and New Kids on the Block on their walls, Debbie and Tiffany were the artists that these young girls (hell, and […]

WTFF: Alan Thicke’s “Grandma”

There are tons of “I love you, mom” songs out there, right? Especially in hip-hop and R&B. Don’t nobody love Ma Dukes more than black folk. There’s even a few “I love you, dad” songs out there. But how many songs are there that show love to the grandmothers? Just one that I know of-and boy it’s a doozy. This gem from the early Eighties was recorded by Alan Thicke. No, not Robin Thicke the perpetually bedroom-eyed soul singer. Robin’s […]

Actor Andrew Koenig Missing

Hey Folks, I actually first read about this in a Tweet from Aziz Ansari, so I kinda thought it might be a joke. It’s become extremely clear in the day or so since I first read it that this is NOT a joke. Actor Andrew Koenig, who is best known as Richard (Boner) Stabone, Mike Seaver’s best friend on the sitcom “Growing Pains” has been missing for over a week. He apparently boarded a flight to Canada and did not […]