The Carlton Shuffle, 8/17/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 8/17/13

Whether you’ve had a great week or a tough one, you know that you can always cap it off with a Carlton Shuffle! Here’s what we in the Popblerd network have been spinning recently. What’s been tickling your eardrums this week?

The Carlton Shuffle, 8/10/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 8/10/13

It’s Saturday morning, and thus once again time for the Carlton Shuffle! Here’s some of the music that got the Popblerd staff through the week. What got you through work this week?

The Carlton Shuffle, 8/3/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 8/3/13

Turning the calendar to August sends my system into a bit of a shock. Partially saddened that summer is fading fast, partially energized to make its remaining weeks count. Whatever this summer weekend has in store for you, give The Carlton Shuffle a spin while you’re getting ready, and check out what the Popblerd staff has been digging this week!

The Carlton Stroke, 7/27/13

The Carlton Stroke, 7/27/13

Our very own Dennis (@IrishJava) began an email thread this week discussing James Taylor’s “Rosie” and rock’s many odes to onanism. Being a saucy bunch, we very rapidly came up with a full playlist of songs about playing with the naughty bits for this week’s shuffle. So draw the blind, close the door to keep out mom, and…enjoy.

The Carlton Shuffle, 7/20/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 7/20/13

Now that you’ve sweated through a sweltering mid-July week, let’s cool down with this week’s Carlton Shuffle! As is often the case we’re all over the musical map – new, old, metal, pop, soul, on down the line. Grab a snowcone, and groove!

The Carlton Shuffle: 7/13/13

The Carlton Shuffle: 7/13/13

Big Money breaks-er, curates-this week’s Carlton Shuffle.

The Carlton Shuffle, 7/4/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 7/4/13

Team Blerd decided to jump the gun on this week’s shuffle and do a playlist for the Fourth of July. So here we are! Enjoy the day and celebrate safely!

The Carlton Shuffle, 6/29/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 6/29/13

Welcome back to our weekly Carlton Shuffle! Once again we asked the PopBlerd! crew what they were listening to this week. There wasn’t a big response (everybody looking forward to next week’s long holiday weekend?) so we threw in what we received with the Michael Jackson songs we wrote about on Tuesday’s fourth anniversary of the King of Pop’s death, along with two of the theme songs (that were actually songs) from our top 10 sitcoms and wa-lah! We have this week’s Carlton Shuffle. Enjoy!

The Carlton Shuffle 6/22/13

The Carlton Shuffle 6/22/13

We’ll take a break from os ur themed Shuffleand get back to our regular mix of music. Welcome to this week’s Carlton Shuffle, where the PopBlerd! staff shares with you all what we’ve been listening to this past week. Once again we have a great mix of music from all genres and generations. Included in this mix is a track from the much-talked about Kanye West album Yeezus, a tribute to the late-great Tony Soprano (aka James Gandolfini), and a […]

The Uncle Phil Shuffle aka the Carlton Shuffle: Father's Day Edition!

The Uncle Phil Shuffle aka the Carlton Shuffle: Father’s Day Edition!

Our main Shuffle man, Gonzo , is traveling the next couple of weeks so I get the privilege of “mixing” our Carlton Shuffle. And I had fun doing it! Every week we ask the PopBlerd! crew what they are listening to. Every week we get a mixture of songs from every genre, and every generation. It’s kinda cool. With Father’s Day this Sunday I thought it’d be appropriate if we came up with a list of “Songs About Dad”. Little did […]

The Carlton Shuffle, 6/8/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 6/8/13

What happens when Popblerd staff writers take out the frustrations from their dayjobs on our staff list-serv? A themed playlist! So hey – do whatever the hell you want today. It’s Saturday, and the boss can’t do a goddamned thing about it!

The Carlton Shuffle, 6/1/13

The Carlton Shuffle, 6/1/13

Serving up another heapin’ helpin’ of what we at Team Blerd have been digging for the last week. Also join us in wishing a happy birthday to our fearless leader Big Money, without whom this site wouldn’t exist!