Posts tagged "Guillermo del Toro"
Pacific Rim: Movie Review

Pacific Rim: Movie Review

Monsters beating up robots? Godzilla made by Guillermo del Toro? A glorious mash-up of every summer movie ever made? Bah, humbug!

The 31 Days of Halloween, Day 12: The Orphanage

The 31 Days of Halloween, Day 12: The Orphanage

We hear a lot about being haunted around Halloween. It’s a word often used to reference ghosts, and what they do when they’re stuck between planes of existence; it’s also how certain movies make us feel, especially when their specters loom over our psyche long after the end credits have rolled. This is why terminology is important: Juan Antonio Bayona’s superior ghost story The Orphanage is only scary intermittently (although when it does aim to scare, watch out), but it […]

Pass the Popcorn: Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark

Call me old fashioned, but sometimes I think the modern day slasher formula has ruined the contemporary horror film. While some movie makers adhere to the Hitchcockian pillars of suspense and atmosphere, it seems far easier to scare by showing rather than implying. On one hand I can understand: dread, especially of the supernatural variety, can be so difficult to manufacture consistently. It’s far easier, and far more instantly gratifying, to scare the audience on the most basic of grounds: […]