Posts tagged "Flobots"

Jonny 5 of Flobots: The Popblerd Interview!

As I walked up the steps of Dado Tea next to The Sinclair in Cambridge, MA before the Flobots show, I saw a man wearing a striped shirt and glasses sitting outside sipping the rest of his drink and trying to get one of the blueberries out of the bottom while looking at his phone. We introduced ourselves and asked the basic questions before getting into topics like what music means to him and people in general, rallying with Rage […]

“Dear New Orleans”: A Benefit Album for Those Who Haven’t Forgotten

In the “Time Flies” department… This week marks the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, one of America’s biggest recent natural disasters. The wind and rain decimated the city of New Orleans, whose citizens lost their homes, their belongings, and in some cases, their lives. There have been various efforts over the years to bring in some capital for the recovering city, but to prove that people haven’t forgotten about the tragedy of Katrina, the folks at Air Traffic Control have […]