Posts tagged "Dave Rullo"

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #43

I used to have a theory that the more remote controls you have the higher in social status and class you probably were. Now, don’t get me wrong, in my theory these remote controls had to be for quality audio/video products. My old GPX compact disc player came with a remote control but no matter how many of those you threw into a pile no one was confusing me for upper class. But—you toss a remote that controlled a home […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #40

There are a lot of events that change you as you grow into a fully formed adult—your first job, buying your first home, getting married to name just a few nothing though changes you more rapidly and in ways you were never ready for more than becoming a parent. My son was born seven years ago this week so I’ve been thinking about this a lot. Since I’ve become a father I’ve at times felt more energized, more exhausted, smarter, […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #38

It’s dawned on me that you’ve been reading this column for the past 38 weeks now and while I’ve given up a lot about myself there are still a lot of things you don’t know about me. Don’t excited you aren’t going to find out any deep secrets, but I thought maybe I’d take this week and discuss some of my influences which might give you a little more insight into what informs my opinions. Consider this your primer on […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #37

A funny thing has happened on the way to the forum recently, more than once in the last few weeks different people in different walks of life have either asked me for advice or looked to me like an elder who was able to offer teachable moments or impart some form of advice. Now, if you know me at all you know that I look damn good on the outside but on the inside I’m a hot mess that only […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #36

We’re in an odd position, members of my generation, made to feel nostalgic about items that were never meant to have nostalgia attached to them. Almost every item from our youth was made cheaper, faster and with faster planned and unplanned obsolescence than our parents and grandparents’ generation. Even those items that were originally manufactured as part of an earlier generation were cheapened when they made their way into my time. This cycle has continued into the next generation. My […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #35

I think I’m missing quiet moments in my life. It’s not the fault of my wife or son, they live for quiet moments, they share quiet moments, they relish quiet moments. Me though I’m a different story. If the TV takes too long between commercial and television show and there’s that pause where the screen goes black I’m on my feet swearing and screaming “boring!” I don’t want you to misunderstand, I can handle quiet, I can sit and read […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #34

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #34

Kurt Cobain would have turned 45 this week. Does he still represent my generation? Did he ever represent my generation? Jack Kerouac wrote in On the Road “the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #33

I was going to take the easy way out this week and spend my column inches discussing the Grammys and how much I despised the award show. Everything from the opening prayer to the lack of actual awards given during the broadcast; the mediocrity that is popular music in America to the contrived suspenders of Paul McCartney I’m so incredibly sick of seeing every time Sir Paul deems it necessary to sit at the piano, show how hard he’s working […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #32

“Is this who I am now?” That’s the thought that was repeating over and over in my head as my wife, son and I all got ready to go to my niece’s baptism. Each time I looked at myself I thought “Is this who I am”, well no, I thought “Is this who I am, now?” I wasn’t sure I liked the answer. I asked Kim the question, I liked her answer a little more, something along the lines of […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #31

My mother and father were married for eight years. For all eight of those years my dad went to work every day, they purchased a car, bought a house in a good neighborhood with some help from my mother’s parents, they had 2.5 kids, they fought for their part of the American Dream. During those eight years they sat down at the end of each week and took a look at the bills and the money coming in, they wrote […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #30

If you read this column regularly then you know, there were many points in my life when I thought I’d make my living as an artist working in one of a few different fields. I was pretty certain that would be my lasting impression on the world. It wasn’t just OK with me, it was what I craved. In truthfulness, in those silent moments right before I fall asleep, it’s what I’d still love to have happen. Let’s be honest […]

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #29

Dave Rullo Presents: Aging Hip Replacement #29

Dave Rullo don’t need no stinkin’ turkey burger. Read as our curmudgeonly correspondent rails against healthy foods in the latest Aging Hip Replacement column.