Episode 3 of the Jheri Curl Chronicles is up, and we’re going from Jamaica (the island) to Jamaica (NY), with a stop to pick up George Benson.

Blerd Radio 2016 | Episode 5: The Princecast 2.0
The Blerd Radio team discusses the life, music and legacy of legendary musician Prince in their latest podcast.

Blerd Radio Presents: The Constant Conversations Podcast (Episode 6)
Episode 6 of the Constant Conversations podcast features a conversation with film critic/blogger/fellow podcaster Tristan More.

Blerd Radio Presents: The Jheri Curl Chronicles Podcast, Episode 1
Mike Joseph and Thomas Inskeep discuss #1 R&B hits from Michael Jackson, Shalamar and The Brothers Johnson in the first Jheri Curl Chronicles podcast.

Blerd Radio Presents Constant Conversations: Episode 3 (A Conversation With John Hill)
A brand new Constant Conversations podcast is up!

Blerd Radio 2016 | Episode 3: The Bowie-Cast
The Blerd Radio team says goodbye to David Bowie in their latest podcast.

Blerd Radio 2016 | Episode 2: Blerd Radio Comes Alive!
The Blerd Radio panel discusses their favorite live albums in a brand new podcast!

Blerd Radio 2016 | Episode 1; Son Of Chart Attack (1/1/83)
New Blerd Radio podcast, and we’re headed back to 1983 to sample some Toto-licious chart delights! Does that sound gross?

Blerd Radio 2015: Episode 16 | The Best Of 2015 (Part Two)
Part two of the Best of 2015 Blerd Radio podcast is here!