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chk-chk-chk-thriller-e1359474602635There’s a lotta lip-synching and a lotta crotch shots in “Californyeah”, the latest video from Chk Chk Chk, boys and girls so if you’re not a fan of either you might wanna stay away. For the record, any song that starts with a crotch shot of Chk Chk Chk vocalist Nic Offer is okay in my book…and my wife’s book.

If you’re still here, you’ll be treated to a neat little video for “Californyeah” off the masterful THR!!!ER released earlier this year. Part performance video and part goofy Chk Chk Chk fun, “Californyeah” (the video AND the song) captures everything that make the band great in just a few short minutes.


Watch the video and tell us what you think in the comments below. THR!!!ER is out now!