
Choose any music award show. The winner is announced, receives their award, steps to the podium and the first words they utter are something like… “First and foremost, I’d like to thank God…” Unfortunately this is after all of the work has been done and they are reaping the benefits.

I’d like to take a similar approach but do it in reverse. It is a new year. I have no idea what’s in store for me but I would like it be a productive and successful one.

I am not ungrateful for my past. I appreciate the ups and, ironically, the downs as these are the things that shape me; in some cases not necessarily the best situations. However, I have come across some of the greatest people and experiences.

I am constantly looking for internal excellence and I think the only way to begin to achieve that is by acknowledging how I got where I am. It’s based on an intense belief that God has a plan for me. With that said, I had to acknowledge Him first as the New Year began.

This year I slept through the countdown and ball drop; not intentionally, I was just exhausted that day. When I awoke I didn’t do the normal exercise of sending texts to everyone in my phonebook. As I glanced, my phone was already filled with missed calls and text messages of those already celebrating the New Year. I laid in bed for a moment and counted my blessings. I imagined what going forward would be like and spoke to God about it. I, myself, was in Heaven on Earth so everyone had to wait for my return in order to hear back from me.

What I found interesting about my journey is when I put Him first, everything else fell in place. If I continue life that way, then I’d probably enjoy it more. After my conversation with Him, I was able to smile and begin the New Year properly.
